Central Office
1030 Central Ave., Dunkirk NY 14048
Phone 716-366-2306 Fax 716-366-4738
Office Hours 9 am to 4 pm
General Email: allarewelcome@thelordsvineyard3.com
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The Lord's Vineyard, N. Chautauqua Co., Diocese of Buffalo, NY
Lenten Presentation: The Man on the Shroud: But Who Do You Say That I Am?
Saturday, March 29th at 2 pm at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, 328 Washington Ave. Dunkirk, NY
What is it that Jesus understands about the mystery of life that has been lost to humanity, and what we have yet to discover?
The Shroud of Turin is like the "Rosetta Stone of Life." Understanding the anomalous scientific data from this mysterious cloth reveals some extraordinary clues. This evidence could even rival Darwin's theory of evolution!
Come explore with Jeffrey Skurka and Catherine C. Osborn, this Easter Season the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus using the Shroud of Turin as a guide.
Discover how the foolishness of God, which is wiser beyond any human comprehension, is silencing the scientific wisdom of even the staunchest critics. Bring your curiosity and questions and prepare to be amazed because you have never seen the Shroud of Turin explained like this before!
All are invited and there is no admission fee. www.shroudmysteryexplained.com

Wednesdays of Lent ~ Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 7 pm
Fridays of Lent ~
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton ~ 12:15 pm
Blessed Mary Angela St. Hyacinth Church ~ 6 pm
Youth Stations Friday, April 4th 6 pm
St. Anthony ~ 6:30 pm
Holy Trinity ~ 7 pm
Fr. Bob's Stations Friday, March 28th
Contemporary Stations Friday, April 11th
Walking Stations Good Friday 6 pm from SEAS to Holy Trintiy

Family of Parishes Penance Service
Tuesday, April 1st at 7pm
St. Hyacinth Church
Lenten Taize Prayer Service
Every Sunday at 6:30 pm at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
Services will last approximately 40 minutes, blending song, silence and scripture.


Chili Cook Off Winners!
1st Place ~ Jenna Sherlock (Trophy, Certificate & $100)
2nd Place ~ Darryl VerHague (Certificate & $50)
3rd Place ~ Fr Bob (Certificate & $25)
Thank you to all who participated in our first annual Chili Cook Off! See you next year!

Cash Club Party
Saturday, April 26, 2025
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Hall
165 Central Ave., Silver Creek
Hall Doors Open at 5:30 pm
Join us for a fun-filled evening of Cash Prizes, Gift Card Raffles, Large Gift Raffles, Theme Basket Raffles, 50/25/25 Raffle, and Pull Tabs!
Cash Club Tickets are $20 each ~ This admission price gets you in the door, includes light refreshments and the chance to win the big CASH Prizes!
First Prize $1000; Second Prize $700; Third Prize $600; Fourth Prize $500;
Fifth Prize $400; Sixth prize $300; Seventh Prize $200
5 $100 Prizes and 10 $50 Prizes
Stop by the Central Office or the Mt. Carmel Office to get your ticket
or call Fran at 716-934-2233.

This past week the leadership team of our family of parishes, which includes: trustees and clergy, met to discuss the best ways to hear everyone's thoughts on the diocesan suggestions moving forward for our family. In order that everyone can have their voices heard, we have decided that on Tuesday, July 2nd from 5:30pm-6:30pm we will be taking your input.
In order to make this process efficient, we are asking that you come with your ideas in writing so that it cannot be misinterpreted. We know that there is a lot of emotion with the proposed plan; therefore, we ask that all proposals be supportive for betterment of the family moving forward.
The parish trustees will be taking proposals with their parishioners at the following locations.
St. Joseph - Due to the bingo crowd we will meet at the church basement of St. Anthony
St. Anthony - Meet in Church
Holy Trinity - In the pavilion weather permitting, if not meet in the central office
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Meet in Church
Blessed Mary Angela - Meet in the Lyceum
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel - Meet in St. Rose hall
We know that we need the Holy Spirit to guide our recommendation, so during this process, we will be having Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction with worship music from 5:30pm - 7:30pm at Holy Trinity. This will be a time of prayer and quiet reflection. All are welcome.
Recent trip to the Ark encounter. Other stops included the Creation Museum, dinner cruise on the Ohio River (the Kentucky/Ohio state line) and Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumption. The Family of Parishes of the Lord's Vineyard and fifteen travelers from D & F travel became a bigger family and all a wonderful time on this trip. Join us for the next trip!!!

On Saturday, October 26, 2024, The Lord's Vineyard will be taking a day trip to St. Anthony Chapel, one of the Shrines of Pittsburgh, home to the largest collection of Christian relics in the world, outside of the Vatican. Among the collection are the relics of apostles, martyrs as well as particles of the True Cross. The day will begin with an early departure from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Dunkirk at 7 am to the Pittsburgh Strip District with two hours of shopping and lunch on your own. The tour of St. Anthony will begin at 1pm and a 3:15pm departure to St. Stanislaus Kostka Church for 4pm Mass. Dinner stop will be in Meadville, PA. The cost will include transportation, bus driver gratuity, donation to the Docent Guide at the chapel and the soup and salad bar with a soft drink at Hoss Steakhouse. Arrival back to Dunkirk will be approximately 10:15pm. The cost is $112.00 per person. Please contact Albert Vandette (716-679-7815) for more information and to book your spot!

Fr. Sebastian on his ordination at St. Joseph Cathedral in Buffalo on Saturday, June 1st.

Grief Support Group ~ is a caring group of people who walk you through one of life’s most difficult experiences – the loss of a loved one.
The group will meet on the following Mondays, April 22; May 6, 20; June 3, 17; July 1, 15, 29 from 6:30 pm – 8 pm in the Central Office Conference Room at Holy Trinity.
If you are interested in attending the group, please call the Holy Trinity office at 716-366-2306 and we will arrange for facilitator Dick Rodriguez to contact you.
No matter your present status in the Catholic Church;
No matter your current family or marital situation;
No matter your personal history, age, background, race or color;
No matter your own self-image or self-esteem;
You are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected at the family of Parishes in The Lord's Vineyard.
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